

Everything you need to know about Endermological Lipomassage

Women work hard to enhance their appearance and attractiveness. They experiment with new diets, workout, and attend beauty salons in order to achieve ideal body specifications. With this arises the demand for creating new and better technologies for women to achieve the ideal body of their dreams. This is where endermological Lipomassage in Toronto comes in. It is one of the most common salon procedures for body sculpting, skin imperfections reduction, and cellulite reduction. Endermological lipomassage is essentially an alternative to liposuction that involves massaging using a vacuum-roller module that has independent motorized rollers. In simple words, it is a body slimming treatment done by various beauty practitioners in salons all across the globe. 

·         The various categories of endermological lipomassage for women are:

1. Lipomassage for the android morpho type: 

Lipomassage in Toronto involves massaging the abdomen, back, and sides. Deep fat deposits and subcutaneous fat in the upper body are reduced in thickness as a result of the manipulation. The treatment takes 35 minutes, and the effects include a slimmer waist and sides, as well as a tighter stomach.

2. Endermological massage for cellulite treatment: 

It's used on cellulite-prone fields. Following the treatment, fat deposits are decreased in thickness, the appearance of an "orange peel" is removed, and skin turgor is restored. The treatment lasts 35 minutes.

3. Endermological drainage for "light legs": 

This includes microcirculation, venous outflow, and leg contour increase as a result of the manipulation, and the patient feels lighter in his or her legs. The treatment lasts 25 minutes.

4. Full lipomassage procedure:

Through Endermolift in Toronto, cellulite is treated, skin turgor is restored, and fat deposits in the upper and lower body are reduced. It only takes 35 minutes, but a client's skin becomes firm and radiant, and his or her form becomes slimmer, more desirable, and harmonious.

5. Lymph-drainage for edematous cellulite:

The aim of Endermolift in Toronto is to stimulate lymph drainage and reduce the appearance of cellulite in the legs over time. Cellulite appearance is greatly diminished after many sessions, and a harmonious contour in the legs is restored. The treatment lasts 35 minutes.

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